  Scoreboards for Polo, Hockey, Lacrosse, Rugby, Cricket, Running and outdoor sports



Sporting Designs Ltd design, manufacture, sell and rent large scoreboards. We specialise in outdoor flip-digit electronic scoreboards which can easily be seen in bright sunlight and LED electronic scoreboards. All our boards can be operated remotely (wirelessly) from up to 350 metres away. We can also refurbish most existing, older scoreboards. Click on the titles above for your sport.

Sporting Designs can rent you large scoreboards for special events in the UK.

Sporting Designs can design and build scoreboards and large displays for any use.
Click here for latest news on polo scoreboards (PDF file)

Sporting Designs Ltd., One Barkers Field, Long Clawson, Leicestershire LE14 4PL, England. Registered in England no 5637546. Registered office as above.
Tel: 07860 303 217 (intl +44). Email: mail@sportingdesigns.co.uk
(If problems with this email, use SportingDesignsLtd@outlook.com)
Web site hosted by eUKhost - www.eukhost.com 0800 862 0380
All prices quoted exclude all taxes and delivery.
VAT No 901 6388 34. EORI No GB 901 6388 34000

Copyright (c) Sporting Designs Ltd 2006-2023 www.sportingdesigns.co.uk