Flip digits versus LED scoreboards
Sporting Designs scoreboards and clocks can use LEDs or flip digits depending on the use. The control is generally the same using the same hand held or fixed remote controllers.
Play this video to see what our new design using very large digits looks like. These digits are over 1 metre high, have a very wide viewing angle and bright ..
Our Big Digit prototype undergoing testing. It is 1 metre high. Green is used because it offers the best contrast in sunny conditions. Please look at the polo page for an example in use.
Flip digits are better:-
* For brighter and sunny weather.
* Can be seen at more of an angle. A LED scoreboard needs to be 'aimed' the at the audience as it will be much less bright at an angle.
* Take less power: Batteries will last "days".
* Can be seen from farther away.
* Better and simplier wireless operation with better range.
LED scoreboards are better:-
* At darker times.
* When you want to display graphics and letters.
* Can be cheaper for smaller digits.
Sticking flaps. If you have any flaps which are sticking, we can come and service your scoreboard or you can purchase a cleaning kit from us. Click here for a copy of the instructions. Please never use any sort of lubrication spray such as WD-40 as it may work in the short time but attracts dirt and will then be far worse.
Scoreboard standard features video
Scoreboard advanced features video
Scoreboard Controller
All Sporting Designs scoreboards use one of two controllers: 1. The WAGO 750-842 controller with 750-430 input cards and 750-530 output cards with external relays. We can still support this type of controller. 2. A Rabbit BL4S210 Single Board Computer (SBC) with external relays (all scoreboards made since 2003 use this controller).
We have also started to use the Arduino Mega 2560 processor for Cricket Master controllers. This consumes less power (lasts longer on the battery), is more compact and easier to source.
Please contact us to discuss any queries you may have..
Sporting Designs Ltd.,
One Barkers Field, Long Clawson, Leicestershire LE14 4PL,
Tel: 07860 303 217 (intl +44). Email: mail@sportingdesigns.co.uk |