We have the following second-hand scoreboards for sale:-
Small LED scoreboard with full wireless operation with long range remote, must be powered from mains as batteries wouldn't last very long. Refurbished with latest controller. Overall dimensions 169 cm x 73 cm x 15 cm. 12 months warranty. Price £ 1,800 plus delivery and VAT. Suitable for hockey, arena polo or outdoor polo for just time digits (larger numbers just display time as 7:00) etc.
The new LED scoreboard with names. This display alternates with
the Time - see below.
The time alternates with the names and scores as shown above
Sporting Designs Ltd.,
One Barkers Field, Long Clawson, Leicestershire LE14 4PL,
Tel: 07860 303 217 (intl +44). Email: mail@sportingdesigns.co.uk