  Scoreboards for Polo, Hockey, Lacrosse, Cricket, Rugby, Running and outdoor sports

mobile hockey scoreboard
This mobile scoreboard can clearly be seen from over 100 metres away. Click on image for a larger view

Fixed Hockey Scoreboard

This is a larger fixed scoreboard. Click on image for a larger view

Hockey Scoreboard
This is another larger fixed scoreboard. Nameboards slide in
from the sides. Click on image for a larger view

Hockey LED
Hockey scoreboard with LEDs. Nameboard can also slide in
from the side. Click on image for a larger view

LED Names
Hockey scoreboard with easily selectable LED Names.
Click on image for a larger view

Hockey scoreboard on stand. Nameboards can also slide in
from the sides. Click on image for a larger view

Links to useful sites

Beeston Hockey club


Sporting Designs scoreboard is designed specifically for hockey. Firstly, the scoreboard can be seen from over 150 metres away. It can easily be seen in bright sunlight. It can be operated wirelessly from over 200 meters away either by a timekeeper or even by an umpire on the field.
The fully electronic scoreboard displays the time and scores for both teams.
The scoreboard has been designed by an experienced umpire and caters all the intricacies of the game. In addition, it can cater for friendly games which you may want to last ,say, 20 minutes.
Sporting Designs scoreboard adds a great deal for spectators and players. For spectators, it confirms the correct scores at all times and lets everyone know how long there is to play as the clock counts down. Towards the end of play knowing the time to go makes the game much more exciting. For players, they can see confirmation of the scores and know when to play strategically.

The new LED scoreboard with names. Team names are pre-entered and so simple to change.Operation is by wireless hand-held unit as below or fixed wireless controller with 6 buttons

remote control unit

The scoreboard can be operated by an umpire or a timekeeper. Click on image for a larger view

The fixed wireless controller has only 6 buttons and simple instructions above.

LED with Names
The new LED scoreboard with names. This display alternates with
the Time - see below.

LED showing time
The time alternates with the names and scores

Click here to download the LED scoreboard user manual (PDF file)
Click here to download the mini user manual (PDF file)

Sporting Designs Ltd., One Barkers Field, Long Clawson, Leicestershire LE14 4PL, England
Tel: 07860 303 217 (intl +44). Email: mail@sportingdesigns.co.uk

Copyright (c) Sporting Designs Ltd 2006-2023 www.sportingdesigns.co.uk